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Youth Teams

Juniors High School Rowing Team offers competitive training and regional racing opportunities for athletes in 9th through 12th grade.

High School team 
fall racing season

BCR Juniors High School Rowing Team offers competitive training and regional racing opportunities for athletes in 9th through 12th grade. No rowing experience is required to join the high school team. Athletes are expected to commit to 5 practices a week for the duration of the season. Opportunities to train year-round are offered, and for athletes looking to excel in rowing, year-round participation is encouraged.  Rowers are expected to attend and participate fully in all practices, which will include on-water workouts, erg training, running, and general fitness training. Rowers will be training for the 5000-meter race distance and should plan to travel to several regional races in the Fall season. Rowers will be eligible for participation in regattas at the coaches’ discretion based on fitness, skill, effort, and practice attendance.


Pre-Season Orientation

A pre-season orientation meeting will be held at the boathouse. Date and time TBD.


Athletes in 9th through 12th grade;

8th graders by invitation only


Monday, August 26th, 2024 to

Monday, November 24th, 2024



Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,

Thursday & Friday 4:30 to 6:30 PM


Baltimore Rowing &

Water Resource Center

3301 Waterview Avenue

Baltimore, MD 21230

Cost:  $900

Scholarships are available for Baltimore City Public School students. Please complete the scholarship application below.



Daily bus transportation is provided to the boathouse on days that Baltimore City Public School is in session. Pick up locations in to be determined. The bus is available to all Baltimore City Public School students in the BCR Juniors program at no cost; non-BCPS students may ride the bus for a nominal fee. All rowers must secure their own ride home at the end of practice. Carpools can be arranged among parents as needed.   


Swim Test

All rowers who do not have a swim test on file with BCR must complete a swim test in the presence of a certified lifeguard and submit a Swim Test Verification Form. The Swim Test Verification Form is available for download below. The swim test can be completed at any pool of your choice. If a rower is unable to complete the swim test, a life jacket must be worn at all times while in the boat. Life jackets are carried for all rowers by coaches in a motorized launch that accompanies our athletes during practice.

Regatta Calendar

Head of the Potomac, Washington, DC - Sunday, September 29, 2024

Head of the Schuylkill, Philadelphia, PA -  Sunday, October 27, 2024

Head of the Occoquan, Occoquan, VA - Sunday, November 3, 2024
Additional dates TBD





- George Pocock



3301 Waterview Ave
Baltimore, MD 21230

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